group of people raising hands silhouette photography


Our Pastor

Bishop Brian L. Collins, Sr. has been called a man of integrity. He’s a teacher by gifting and can preach by the anointing! He’s a man of faith and prayer; caring and concerned; dedicated and motivated to and by God. He’s a loving and dedicated husband, father, and grandfather.

Our First Lady

A noted and anointed Praise & Worship leader; a leader and friend to women; an advisor and counselor. A consistent, dedicated, extremely creative, hardworking woman of God. She’s a loving and dedicated wife, mother, and grandmother.


Our Mission is to Pray, Preach, Teach, Evangelize and Advertise the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


We are Family Ministry Minded, Real In Our Praise & Worship, Evangelistic, Educated & Educators.


The Bottom Line Is Winning Souls & Changing Lives!


We Are A New Life, A Life Changing Church; We Are Growing Church, With A Big Heart, Doing Greater Works!

GNLC History

New Life Bible Way Church began in the mind of God before the foundations of the world. It’s purpose, mission, and membership. Therefore, its pastor was also chosen before the foundations of the world. The scriptures declare, “And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.” God sends His word forth knowing those who will respond, and He assigns a pastor to care for His flock. In addition, the members were chosen by God to become a part member of this local assembly for such a time as this.

The Lord called me to pastor in November 1986 during a church anniversary service. God instilled in me a vision for a church and gave me specific instructions about how to proceed. I began to pray and ask God when and where to start. I received the answer to wait, not when or where, but to wait and observe your pastor. The voice of my father, the late Elder Willie L. Collins, rang clear to confirm this answer when he stated to me once, “You may be called, but you may not be sent, wait on God.” Not knowing how long the wait would be I did just what the Lord instructed me to do. I waited and observed everything I could that my pastor, Elder Zenobie Davis, did. I learned a lot. I watched his mannerisms, moods, and methods. I observed the wisdom and charisma he used in various situations. I’m thankful for the Lord’s instruction at this crucial point in my life.


After waiting approximately three years, till October 1989, I heard the Lord say, “Your time is up.” This was impressed upon me so strongly that it drove me to pray. I inquired of the Lord what He meant. It baffled me at first, my time for what was up? My life, my ministry at the local church? You must understand that while observing I became comfortable. I was the Assistant Pastor, the Sunday School Superintendent and helped with church administration. My family was settled and established in Greater Friendship Church’s life and ministry. What was I to do? Where was I to go? I prayed more earnestly. Then clarity came, my time of waiting was over. It was time to go out and pastor. With approximately $215.00 in the bank, I began to look for a place to worship. After searching for a while, I passed a building at 18th and Monroe Street, NE that looked vacant, but it wasn’t. I said to myself that it would be a good place to have a church. I didn’t give it any further thought because someone else had the building. Shortly thereafter my father-in-law, not knowing my thoughts about 18th and Monroe, asked me if I had thought about that building on 18th and Monroe. I began to give the idea a little more thought but still looked in the places that I thought were good. A group of Christians, who needed a Pastor called me to Columbia MD. Approximately fifteen people or more were there to start a church. It would have been a good start, but God impressed upon me that this was not where he wanted me to start.

One Saturday night around 3:00 a.m., the Lord awakened me with the thought to go to the church on the corner of 18th and Monroe Street. That Sunday morning I dropped my family off at church and went to 18th and Monroe. The place looked vacant. I started to leave, but something told me to try the door. I did and it opened. I slowly opened the door. I didn’t see anyone in the pews. When I finally open the door almost all the way, there was an elderly gentleman and two ladies having Sunday School. They welcomed me with opened arms. The gentleman introduced himself as Pastor Dudley Henry, his wife Mother Henry, and the church secretary, Sister Georgia Stewart. As I sat through the remainder of Sunday School, I noticed that the building was in disrepair, the ceiling paint was peeling badly and there was a mildew odor. They completed Sunday School and went into morning service. The Lord had already instructed me to stay through the morning service. As Pastor Henry began to prepare himself to preach, he began looking for something. Finally, he stated that he had forgotten his glasses and couldn’t see a thing. He turned to me and asked if I could preach for him. This to me was truly a move of God. This man had never seen me before in his life. I accepted and the Lord took control from the time I stood up until I sat down. As I preached I knew that this was the place I was to start New Life Church. Oh, I didn’t readily accept this, because as I preached through the smell and the moths, some paint chips fell from the ceiling as my voice resonated through the building. In my mind, I said no this can’t be the place, but in my spirit, God said yes it is, and confirmed it with a stronger anointing as I preached. I preached that day as if there were three thousand instead of just three. They were excited, I was excited and we had a glorious time. The service ended and I said good-bye and left.

A few weeks later, (after I continued to look for a building with no results), I was awakened again around 3 a.m. It’s amazing how God will wake you up in the middle of the night to get His point across. This time He told me to go back to 18th and Monroe and ask Pastor Henry if we could use his building in the afternoon to start the church. I did as I was instructed by God. We began services on the fourth Sunday of February 1990 (February 25, 1990). After staying there for approximately 18 months, the Lord moved us to our own building at 3633 18th Street, NE. We established normal church services and the membership began to grow. The Lord blessed us in this place. We stayed there for two years and nine months. At that point, God moved us to 2319 Shadyside Avenue, Suitland, MD. God has tremendously saved souls, delivered many from sinful bondage, and healed sick bodies. Drug addicts have been delivered, party-girls loosed, and homosexuals set free. To God be the glory for the things He has done!


The Lord changed our location to Our Savior Lutheran Church, a build sanctuary and facility, ministry and people.


Go inspired the pastor to temporarily move the church into a hotel to save money. The vision the Lord him was to save $30,000 to purchase our own property.


The Lord led us to review and renew the Vision and Mission of our church. Since then, we have made steady progress toward the goals that God established for us. We’re excited about what the Lord is doing. Come and see the Lord’s mercy and victory!